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Group 2 | Station 15B | “Haus Martin”

“Haus Martin”

Haus Martin is a daycare centre for disabled people.
It is located to the north of St-Hemma Haus, at the foot of the castle ruins.

Daycare Workshops

The daycare centre offers various workshops.

Some examples are:
– carpentry workshop
– sewing workshop
– art and creative workshop
– clay studio.

In the carpentry workshop, participants can work with wood. This workshop carries out fixed orders that have been in place for years. For example, orders from neighbouring communities for nesting boxes are carried out.

In the sewing workshop, participants can work with fabric. Products are created for every occasion. Baby socks, coffee sacks and fabric carpets are made here.

In the art and creative workshop, participants can try out different painting techniques, including mosaic art. Here, the participants work with different materials such as wood (wooden angels in all variations), wool (socks, caps) or mosaic stones.

In the clay workshop (clay studio), participants can design and create objects, both functional and abstract. They can create vases, mugs, trays and decoration objects.

In the clay studio, participants can create various products for important occasions, such as Easter, Christmas, baptisms and weddings. Trophies and medals are also made in the clay studio.

The participants can visit different workshops to broaden their range of skills.

Goals of the Daycare Workshops 

For the disabled people who are not professionally integrated, the option of attending a daycare centre allows them to participate in a structured social life. It also promotes the development of their individual skills and creative ability. Participants can gain a certain degree of life independence and general confidence. The quality of life is improved and general happiness is increased.

The basis for this improvement in the quality of life is structuring daily activity in the daycare workshops.

Map: 15B
Stations: 14 | 15A | 15B | 15C

Station 14 | Burg Geiersberg
Station 15A | Former Hospital
Station 15B | “Haus Martin”
Station 15C | “St. Hemma-Haus”